Saturday, March 5, 2011

embracing motherhood

to embrace motherhood is to acknowledge that we cannot have it all. it is to make a willing choice for family, consciously and and joyfully sacrificing the other promises of a free adult life in our modern age, to fully invest in what we know to be most important before the Lord. it is to stop inventing new compromises between home, work, and entertainment, and give ourselves fully to the labor of building people--generations--one small child at a time. In the business of child rearing, the modern age has set up an impossible ideal of balancing everything with a perfect image maintained. to embrace motherhood is to realize that truth and worth comes from God and not from "experts." We know the truth: that at least one thing will suffer; either our family, our work, or our pleasures. I choose to cut off work and entertainment, to be the sufferer. for the vision of a family that rises up to love God and build His kingdom: i am a suffragette!

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