Thursday, September 29, 2011

Psalm 63: 7

"For You have been my help,
And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. "

This verse excited me greatly this morning: we can SING for JOY in ANY circumstance, provided we are in the shadow of God's wings! What comfort! In fact, who are those who would take refuge in the shadow of the wings of the Almighty? Are they the ones who have all the right circumstances, feel taken care of and secure, are self-sufficient, in need of mothing? NO, it is the hunted: those who are weary, parched, out of options; those who need safety and are being battered by life's cruelties. And it says right here that they are the ones who sing for joy. Have their circumstances changed? No, but their spiritual position has been changed! They have moved under the shadow of His wings. And now, whatever situation they are in, they can SING for joy.  They know who is their help. He is the Helper who helps them to sing. And knows also their circumstances, yes, is working all things together for good. But primarily, He covers them over, and they sing! It is where all the change begins. Let me sing for joy today as I make my husband's sandwich, wipe dirty faces, sweep food off floors, try to stretch the money for the bills, and train the toddlers in the same things over and over again. I simply come under the shadow of the wings.

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